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The 3 Java-related Framework of Microservices Architecture

It is to realize a product development based on microservices or to refactor a monolithic application into a microservice architecture. There are many choices of technical frameworks of microservices. Large-size enterprise often has their own teams or departments responsible for developing their own frameworks to meet the needs of their products, but for small and medium-sized enterprises, it is good to choose a suitable open-source framework.

4 min readFeb 8, 2022


Microservices are small, autonomous services that work together. Each component is loosely coupled with low complexity. Each part can be deployed independently. It is easier to fix bugs or introduce new features. There are many frameworks commonly used for microservice-based application development. Hence, the technical selection each company prefers is a more general, less invasive, and more comprehensive microservice framework.

Java Language Related Microservice Framework

